This page isn't about anything. It's just me clicking madly at anything resembling a link and downloading Object Desktop. Soo many goodies to play with. Teehee!
removing transparency
Published on January 1, 2008 By TonyWihlen In WindowBlinds
Hello folks.

I'm trying to figure out how I can remove (or at least make it a little more opaque) the transparency in contextual menus (ex. right click desktop) and file menus (ex. Edit menu in Notepad) to make the menus a little more readable. I love the theme I'm using but that detail is causing some headache.

Is there any way this setting can be altered? I'm quite comfy around computers but I'm not at all familiar with the inner workings of Window Blinds themes hehe. But I won't get scared by opening SkinStudio if that's what it takes. I would prefer a handy slider somewhere, though.
on Jan 01, 2008
Only way to increase opacity of a menu is to remake it. UNLESS.. you have some form of transparency being used in WB6... make sure in the Trans & Blurring section you click "Reset to Defaults" (Top right in window) clicked, then apply. That way you know WB isnt adding extra transparency.

Good luck.
on Jan 01, 2008
Reset to defaults did the trick. Thank you.

Maybe I should start taking notes when I fiddle with settings since I must have changed that one at some point hehe.
on Jan 01, 2008
Well, unfortuntely WB6 retains that setting, per skin.. will only turn it off if YOU turn it off.. IMO.. it should be on a per skin basis.
on Jan 02, 2008

You can save transparency and colouring on a per skin or a system wide basis in WB6.  It is up to the user to decide which they want to do (create a preset or change global).

The WB6 transparency overrides can also reduce transparency as well as add it.  If you move the sliders to the right they will reduce transparency in a skin.

on Jan 02, 2008
Yeah, I noticed that too. Very handy. I think I should start work a bit more with the whole "preset" thing, though. For my own good hehe. I'm one of those whos last words is going to be along the lines of "oo, wonder what this button does".